We make your stories NEWS!

American Community Journals (ACJ) exists because traditional news coverage is firmly rooted in the concept that “if it bleeds, it leads.”

Negative stories have pushed positive stories – stories that lift the entire community – to the last two minutes of the evening news. The media has the power to promote positive news, but sadly, it instead chooses to focus on fire, crime, accidents, politics, etc.

At ACJ, we live to battle this negativity by proving that the pen is truly mightier than the sword. Our dream is a better world, one where we focus on the positive events that are happening in each county’s “backyard” and the stories that illustrate why there is no better time to be alive than right now.


At ACJ, we live to battle negativity by proving that the pen is truly mightier than the sword.



Our core purpose as an organization is to provide a unique, focused, and consistent platform that will elevate our affiliate partners’ profiles, grow their businesses, and strengthen their connection to the community.

We envision becoming the worldwide leader in spreading hope and optimism by sharing the stories about local businesses, nonprofits, universities, and people who are making a difference in their community. 

This is our opportunity to make our mark on the world as we know it and change it for the better.

  • We promise to provide a world-class employment experience where each member of our “work family” has a shot at the American dream of happiness and security through multi-generational financial security.

  • We promise a subscriber experience that is one of the highlights of your day, the pick-me-up that is so desperately needed.

  • We promise to deliver a brand distinction on a grassroots level for all of our affiliate partners, sponsors, and supporters that will significantly increase their visibility in a positive way.

  • We promise an investment opportunity not only to our employees but to anyone who is looking to help us further perpetuate the upbeat news happening in each county.

  • Finally, we promise to be a steward of positive change in the world by acting like the best versions of ourselves as people and as corporate citizens.

Welcome to American Community Journals.
We hope you get involved today.